Frances A Comprehensive Overview

Frances name Meaning and Dictionary

Name Meaning
"Frances" A feminine form of Francis, which is an English form of the Italian Francesco, from the Latin Franciscus, meaning "French".
  • It is a film directed by Graeme Clifford, which was released in the year 1962.
  • It is a film directed by Graeme Clifford, which was released in the year 1962.
  • f-r-AN-s-iss
  • frances
  • fran-sis
  • fran-ses
  • FRANT-suhs
IPA Notation
  • Frances Syllable count: There are 2 syllables in the name Frances
  • Divide Frances into syllables: Fran-ces
  • Stressed syllable in Frances: Fran-ces
  • Of which Frances allies, Spain and Holland, paid all su1te~~ the costs, finally gave the peacemaker a pretext for endowing himself with a Consulate, not for ten years but for life, as a recompense from the nation.
  • Mr Shaw married in 1898 Miss Charlotte Frances Payne-Townshend.
  • SMITH, Frances G. (Garneret)
  • Frances’s 5G spectrum will be cheap as chips
  • Hop Along’s Frances Quinlan Shares New Song “Now That I’m Back”: Listen

Frances Overview and Analysis

The popularity and usage trend of the name Frances Over Time
Popularity and Usage Trend of the Name Frances Over Time

Frances Gender statistics

The name Frances is typically used for Girls. Its a Feminine name with clear gender identification.

Popularity of the name Frances

The name Frances is classified as Common and ranked at the 124th most popular name in the Namedary database.

Country-Specific Popularity and Ranking of the Name Emma
Country In-Country Rank Population Share
United States 113 0.17%
New Zealand 132 0.18%
Australia 419 0.05%
Canada 563 0.03%
United Kingdom 662 0.02%
Country-Specific Prevalence of the Name Frances
Country-Specific Prevalence of the Name Frances

Where to find Frances?

The name Frances is predominantly found in New Zealand (NZ), where it constitutes 0.18% of the total population.

Frances Usage Trend Over Time

In recent years, the trend of using the name Frances has been Increasing gradually. The name Frances was most used in 1918 with a usage rate of 2.95%. It was least used in 1901 with a usage rate of 0.01%.

To enhance readability, percentage is rounded up. Values less than 0.0015% have been omitted.
The data is carefully curated from authentic human sources and thoroughly analyzed from a wide range of sources.

Similar Names to Frances

Names with a Similar Sound to Frances

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Two Syllable Names Similar to Frances

Here is a list of 2 syllable baby names that have the same syllable structure as Frances:

Explore over 75500+ Two syllable baby names inspired by Frances. View all here!

Names starting with F

The name Frances begins with the letter F. Here is a list of names that start with the letter F, similar to Frances:

Discover over 2,800+ Names beginning with the letter F in our extensive name database. Explore the complete list here!

Origin and History of the name Frances

Frances is the feminine form of Francis, the English variation of the Latin name Franciscus. Franciscus, meaning "Frenchman," was taken from the Germanic tribe the Franks, which got its name from the francisca, the axe they used in battle. Until the seventeenth century, the spellings Frances and Francis were used interchangeably for both sexes.

Frances, a soft and gentle classic, last popular a hundred years ago, seems to be on the cusp of a possible revival, along with other such neglected quiet and serious names. It's been chosen in recent years by such stylish parents as Jimmy Fallon and Amanda Peet (who nicknamed her daughter the spunky Frankie).

Frances was a favorite of the Tudor aristocracy after being given to Henry VII's granddaughter. St. Frances (Mother) Cabrini was the first American citizen to be canonized.

Some of the best known pop culture bearers of the name were known by diminutives—the Franny of J.D. Salinger's Franny and Zooey, Francie in A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Frankie in A Member of the Wedding, Baby in Dirty Dancing, and Gidget in Gidget. Traditional nickname Fran feels a bit bland and Fanny, though possessing some eighteenth century charm, is unusable in Britain and Australia where it is slang for female genitalia.

Frances is the endearing badger in the childhood favorite Bedtime for Frances and other Frances books.

Among well known bearers are Frances Perkins, Secretary of Labor in the Roosevelt era; actresses McDormand, Dee, Farmer, and Fisher; journalist Fitzgerald; and writers Burney and Hodgson Burnett.

Frances was the abandoned first name of Judy Garland, Dinah Shore, and Dale Evans.

Some attractive foreign versions are the increasingly popular Francesca, Francoise, Franca, Fanya, and Francine.

Frances began trending upward before Pope Francis was named in 2013, but that helped propel it up further than this somewhat sedate classic name might have gone on its own.

Emotion and Symbolism of the Name Frances

Frances Emotional Perception

Francesca evokes feelings of refinement and intelligence.

Symbolic Meaning of Frances

The name Francesca can be traced back to the name of a Germanic tribe called the Franks. The Franks were named for a distinctive type of spear that they carried.

Frances in Chinese

(PinYin) : fú lǎng xī sī

Frances in Numerology

Frances: Name to Numerology Conversion

Applying the rules of numerology (Pythagorean numerology):

Famous people named Frances

Conclusions about the name Frances

Should you named your daughter Frances?

According to the gender statistics, the name Frances is strongly associated with girls. This is because the name Frances is most commonly given to girls. As a result, people will generally assume that a baby named Frances is a girl.

Frances is a gender-appropriate name for a daughter. However, it is not a gender-appropriate name for a son.

Is Frances a good name?

The name Frances strike a harmonious balance between being easy to pronounce and possessing a touch of personality. The name Frances offer a pleasing cadence and a hint of individuality, making them a popular choice for parents.

What are the Pros and Cons of the name Frances?

Pros of the name Frances:

Cons of the name Frances:

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to name your child Frances is a personal one. There is no right or wrong answer. Consider all of the factors listed above, and make the decision that you and your partner feel is best for your child.