May A Comprehensive Overview

May name Meaning and Dictionary

Name Meaning
"May" May is a diminutive form of Mary, Margaret, and Mabel. It is of Hebrew and Greek origin and comes from the following roots: (MIRIAM) (MARGARĪ́TĒS) and (ĂMĀBĬLIS / BELLUS). May, in the English language, is also the fifth month of the year in the Julian and Gregorian Calendars and one of seven months with the length of 31 days.
  • A name for a girl from the Roman goddess Maia
  • The month following April and preceding June
  • May is the fifth month of a year
  • may
  • m-ai
  • mey
IPA Notation
  • May Syllable count: There are 1 syllable in the name May
  • Divide May into syllables: May
  • Stressed syllable in May: May

May Overview and Analysis

The popularity and usage trend of the name May Over Time
Popularity and Usage Trend of the Name May Over Time

May Gender statistics

The name May is typically used for Girls. Its a Feminine name with clear gender identification.

Popularity of the name May

The name May is classified as Rare and ranked at the 1,419th most popular name in the Namedary database.

Country-Specific Popularity and Ranking of the Name Emma
Country In-Country Rank Population Share
New Zealand 496 0.05%
United Kingdom 1,063 0.01%
United States 1,461 0.008%
Australia 1,766 0.001%
Canada 2,548 0.003%
Country-Specific Prevalence of the Name May
Country-Specific Prevalence of the Name May

Where to find May?

The name May is predominantly found in New Zealand (NZ), where it constitutes 0.05% of the total population.

May Usage Trend Over Time

In recent years, the trend of using the name May has been Decreasing gradually. The name May was most used in 1915 with a usage rate of 3.39%. It was least used in 1992 with a usage rate of 0.11%.

To enhance readability, percentage is rounded up. Values less than 0.0015% have been omitted.
The data is carefully curated from authentic human sources and thoroughly analyzed from a wide range of sources.

Similar Names to May

Names with a Similar Sound to May

Here is a list of names that share a similar sound to May:

These are 70 names that sound like May. Explore them all here!

One Syllable Names Similar to May

Here is a list of 1 syllable baby names that have the same syllable structure as May:

Explore over 10300+ One syllable baby names inspired by May. View all here!

Names starting with M

The name May begins with the letter M. Here is a list of names that start with the letter M, similar to May:

Discover over 12,400+ Names beginning with the letter M in our extensive name database. Explore the complete list here!

Origin and History of the name May

May is a sweet old-fashioned name that hasn't been on the national charts in several decades, but is definitely sounding fresh and springlike. Parents are beginning to see it once more as one of the prettiest middle name options. May was as high on the list as Number 57 in the 1880s; it's now 228 on Nameberry.

May started as one of the innumerable pet forms of Mary and Margaret, as well as a springtime month name along with April and June. She's represented in literature by May Bartram in Henry James's The Beast in the Jungle and May Welland in Edith Wharton's The Age of Innocence.

Actresses Emily Morton and Madeline Stowe named their daughters May, and Eric Clapton and Jodie Sweetin used it in middle place for theirs.

May in Chinese

(PinYin) : méi

May in Numerology

May: Name to Numerology Conversion

Applying the rules of numerology (Pythagorean numerology):

Conclusions about the name May

Should you named your daughter May?

According to the gender statistics, the name May is strongly associated with girls. This is because the name May is most commonly given to girls. As a result, people will generally assume that a baby named May is a girl.

May is a gender-appropriate name for a daughter. However, it is not a gender-appropriate name for a son.

Is May a good name?

The name May falls into the category of classic and timeless names. These names are often easy for babies to say and learn, adding to their enduring charm.

What are the Pros and Cons of the name May?

Pros of the name May:

Cons of the name May:

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to name your child May is a personal one. There is no right or wrong answer. Consider all of the factors listed above, and make the decision that you and your partner feel is best for your child.