1. Marion
Marion: Of the sea, warlike
We found 343 names that are similar to "Mhyran" based on sound and style.
Discover the top ten names matching the gender and phonetics of Mhyran, sorted by popularity. See the full list with additional filters below.
Marion: Of the sea, warlike
Maureen: "Star of the sea" (Irish)
Marian: "of the sea," Latin, feminine
Of the sea or dedicated to Virgin Mary
Mariana: "Of the sea" (Latin)
Marina: Of the sea, connected to its vastness and mysteries.
Myrna: Greek origin, "beloved"
Marianna: "Of the sea," symbolizing tranquility, depth, and limitless possibilities.
Maren: Latin origin, meaning "serene sea," representing calmness, creativity, and emotional depth.
Marnie: "Of the sea" (Latin) or "Star of the sea" (French)