1. Mario
Mario: "Of the sea" (Latin)
We found 217 names that are similar to "Mure" based on sound and style.
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Mario: "Of the sea" (Latin)
Murray: Gaelic for "from the sea"
Mauro: "Dark-skinned," signifying strength and connection to nature.
Meaning: "One who enlightens" or "bringer of light"
Murry: Defender of the Sea (Scottish/Irish)
Maury: "Dark-skinned" (Latin), "Noble" (Celtic), "Fame" (Germanic), "Radiance" (Sanskrit)
Mir: Peace, serenity, unity (Russian, Arabic)
Meer: Lord or prince, conveying nobility and authority.
Moray: Scottish name meaning "from the sea."
Miro: Peace, calmness, and serenity (Slavic); to look at, curiosity (Catalan); deity of peace (Slavic)
Muir: Dweller of the moor.
Strong, courageous, and victorious.
Great, noble, illustrious
Maurie: Dark, Noble (Latin)
Sea, vast, mysterious
Maro: Latin, meaning "of the sea" or "sailor."
Moorish, son of the sea
From the moor.
Defender of the sea, courage, protection
Maor: Hebrew origin, meaning light and enlightenment.
Sea warrior, sea defender (Irish)
Japanese, Latin, and Hebrew name meaning "forest," "foolish," and "my teacher"
Sea, adaptability, resilience
Marr: Multi-origin, can mean "sea, sailor, bitter, grief, son of the sea".
Moore means "moor" or "dark-skinned" from Old English
Harmony, unity
Knowledgeable and wise
Abode of the divine
Maier: Mayor, Steward, Farmer
Muro has meanings like "hundred," "wall," "dark," and "son of the sea," depending on its origin.