1. Morven
Morven: "great hill" or "sea maiden" (Scottish Gaelic)
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Morven: "great hill" or "sea maiden" (Scottish Gaelic)
Morghan: Welsh, "sea-born" or "defender of the sea"
Marvine: Latin origin meaning "defender of the sea"
Sea born or sea defender (Welsh)
bright joy
Morrighan, an Irish goddess of war and fate, embodies strength, sovereignty, and prophecy.
Morvin(Scottish): Great and fair
Noble, beautiful, and virtuous, like a fair lady.
Dweller of the sea, embodies strength, resilience, and mystery.
Noble and loyal friend
Purity and beauty, a Breton name meaning "sea" and "white"
Boundless and tranquil like the sea.
Maurven: Great or eminent, powerful and connected
Murraghn: Brings joy and kindness
Welsh origin, meaning "sea born" or "of the sea"
Welsh: Sea defender
Irish name meaning "gentle stranger" or "kind foreigner"
Mysterious and alluring nature of the sea.
Irish origin "sailor," or "of the sea"
Brave, courageous individual
Blackbird, guardian of secrets, messenger between realms, and symbol of hope amidst obscurity.
Merveen: Friend, loyal and compassionate
Strength, resilience, protection