1. Marlys
Marlys (Celtic): "sea defender"
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Marlys (Celtic): "sea defender"
Meaning: Devotion and strength, combining "sea of sorrow" (Mary) and "famous warrior" (Louise).
Marialuisa: A fusion of "lady of the sea" (Maria) and "famous warrior" (Luisa).
Serene garden by the sea, shining star.
Marlyce: "star of the sea" (French origin)
Marielys: "Bittersweet Sea of Paradise" (Spanish and Greek)
Marializ: Sea of God's abundance
Defender of the sea, defender of Mars, or a combination of Marie and Lisa.
Beloved of the sea (Spanish, Basque)
Mariaalice: "Of the Sea, Noble and Kind"
Marialuiza: "Beloved Warrior of the Sea"
- Archaic German: "sea bright" or "lake shining" - French: "star of the sea" - Latin: "star from the sea" or "defender of mankind" - Hebrew: "bitter"
Famous among seafaring people
Sweetness, faith, enlightenment
Happiness, innocence, and beauty of nature
Beloved of the sea and sun
French name meaning "bitter sea"
Allure and tranquility of the ocean combined with radiant charm
Place of joy and laughter within a woodland setting.
Marliese: Adventurous, resilient
Meadow by the sea
Marlize: Star of the sea
Marilees, meaning "star of the sea" in Latin, signifies guidance and boundless potential.
defender, strong, courageous
strong, resilient, connected to the ocean
Radiant, spirited
Greek name meaning noblewoman or woman of high rank
Sea and bitter
Marilisa: Graceful, kind, and generous
Old English name meaning "joy" and "delight"