1. Marc
Marc: Latin for Mars, the god of war
We found 129 names that are similar to "Mark" based on sound and style.
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Marc: Latin for Mars, the god of war
Marco, of Latin origin, means "consecrated to Mars," the Roman god of war, symbolizing strength, courage, and determination.
Defender of the borders, son of Marcus
Merrick: "Horse," "Watchtower," or "Son of Rhys" (Welsh)
Marek: Slavic name meaning "warlike" or "belligerent," symbolizing strength and courage.
Marck: Latin origin, meaning "defender" or "protector"
Mirac: Arabic for "ascension" or "journey to heaven"
Marque: French origin, meaning "border" or "frontier," symbolizes protection and defense.
Marico (Spanish): Of the sea
Mirko: Slavic, meaning "peace" or "tranquility"