1. Maliha
Maliha: Beautiful, graceful, sweet, delicate
We found 20 names that are similar to "Maleaha" based on sound and style.
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Maliha: Beautiful, graceful, sweet, delicate
Graceful, well-mannered, compassionate
Queen or beautiful and elegant woman (Arabic)
Meliha: Meaning "beautiful" or "charming" in Arabic.
Persian/Arabic/Urdu's beautiful, gentle one
Beautiful or graceful (Arabic)
Town named after monastery dedicated to Our Lady of Bethlehem
Graceful and refined.
Pure and intelligent.
Charming, Elegant, Beautiful (Arabic)
Queen, elegant, beautiful.
Beautiful, lovely, sweet, kind.
Beautiful or lovely (Arabic)
Calm, peaceful disposition
Hebrew name meaning angel of the Lord
Malaha: Signifies a beautiful woman or angel