1. Layla
Layla: Night (Arabic)
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Layla: Night (Arabic)
Lillie (Latin origin): Lily, symbolizing beauty, purity, innocence, kindness, gentleness, love
Lady of Sorrows, associated with victory and honor.
Lilly: English, from Latin "lilium" (lily flower), signifying purity, innocence, and grace; associated with Virgin Mary in the Bible.
**Lila:** Sanskrit, "play, divine sport, cosmic dance of creation"
Pearl (Arabic), famous (Swahili), sorrows (Spanish)
"Night's allure, starlit mystery"
Laila: Arabic origin, meaning "night" or "darkness," signifies profound beauty and enigmatic allure.
Lyla: Arabic name meaning "night" or "dark beauty"
Lela: Arabic origin, meaning "night" or "dark beauty"