1. Linda
Linda: Spanish for "beautiful," meaning "pretty" or "lovely."
We found 104 names that are similar to "Lanita" based on sound and style.
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Linda: Spanish for "beautiful," meaning "pretty" or "lovely."
Lynda: Greek origin, meaning "beautiful" or "bright"
Lynette: Celtic name meaning "pool" or "lake," symbolizing tranquility, purity, and depth.
Lynnette: Welsh origin, meaning "lake" or "pool," embodying tranquility and intuition.
Lindy: German origin, meaning "tender" or "soft".
Lanette: Divine abundance and blessings
Linette: Songbird, gentle
Lyndi: "Beautiful lake" (Welsh)
Londa (Spanish origin): Linden tree, symbolizing strength, endurance, and protection.
Beautiful, gentle, fair-skinned, harmony, balance.