1. Quincy
Quincy: Fifth-born son (Irish), oak wood (Latin)
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Quincy: Fifth-born son (Irish), oak wood (Latin)
Kenzo: Japanese origin, meaning "healthy and strong".
Ygnacio: Fiery and passionate.
Quincey: French, meaning "fifth"
"White; fair-skinned" (Welsh)
Irish: wolfhound
Kennzie denotes passion, beauty, or being born of fire.
A Japanese name meaning "healthy," "strong," "intelligent," or "wise," conveying aspirations for a virtuous and prosperous life.
Strength, resilience, love, fertility
Quinncy: Fifth-born son
Divine torch illuminating the path
Dual nature: fair and gentle, or strong and courageous.
Reed, resilience
Descendant of the clan, associated with Scottish heritage
Good lord or gentle birth
Strong-willed and determined, with loyalty and protectiveness
Whole and complete
Giver of life, peace, harmony.
Kunesu is an African name meaning "rainmaker"
Eccentric, witty, unconventional
Adventure, courage, independence from Swahili.
Strong-willed, fifth-born
Arabic, wealthy, treasure, abundant