Names Like Fyn

Showing 1 to 20 out of total 215 names like Fyn

This name derives from the Germanic element “iv,” which in turn derives from the Proto-Germanic “*īhwaz” (yew ‘tree’). Ivo is the Latinized form of a medieval name of Old French origin, Cognate with modern French Yves. Saint Ivo of Kermartin was a parish priest among the poor of Louannec, the only one of his station to be canonized in the Middle Ages. He is the patron of Brittany, lawyers, and abandoned children. His feast day is May 19. Poetically, he is referred to as “Advocate of the Poor.” Ivo could also be correlated with the Celtic “Ivo,” one of the ancient Celts sacred trees.
She who is free.
From the Gaelic fionn, meaning "white, fair".
Finn is a name of Gaelic derivation and means "blond warrior".
Calvin comes from the Norman French calve, meaning "little bald one".
The origin of this name is still today quite uncertain. The theories include: 1) from the Proto-Germanic “*wandrōną > wendel,” meaning “to wander, roam, hike, migrate.” 2) from the Proto-Germanic “*winidaz,” meaning “Wend, Slav.” A term used for a member of a Slavic people from the borders of Germany and Poland; a Sorb; a Kashub. A term used for Slavic peoples living anywhere in the vicinity of German-speaking areas. 3) From the Ancient Germanic “wand,” meaning “stem, trunk, stalk.” The Vandals, a large East Germanic tribe or group of tribes, first appear in history inhabiting present-day southern Poland. Still, some later moved in large numbers, including most notably the group which successively established kingdoms in Spain and then North Africa in the 5th-century.
An English short form of Frances, which is a form of the Italian Francisca, from the Latin Franciscus, meaning 'Frenchman'.
From the Latin vivus, meaning "alive".
Van is a diminutive of Vance and Ivan. It is of old English (Anglo-Saxon) and Hebrew origin and comes from the following roots: (VANCE) and (IŌÁNNĒS).
Desire, To move, Discern, To play on An instrument.
This name derives from the Ancient Greek “Iōánnēs (Ἰωάννης),” which in turn, is a form of the Hebrew name “Yôchânân / Yehochanan” meaning “graced by Yahweh, God is gracious.” There are numerous forms of the name in different languages. This name is part of the most massive etymological root of names made up of more than five hundred variations among male and female in different languages. The name “John” had gained popularity among Jews in Judea and Galilee by the time the area became a province of the Roman Empire in 6 A.D. John Hyrcanus was the first king of the Hasmonean Dynasty and was the nephew of Judas Maccabeus. It was the given name of Yochanan ben Zechariah, a Jewish prophet known in English as John the Baptist.
French: alive, lively.
From the English word, meaning "young deer".
God's gracious gift.