Maksim A Comprehensive Overview

Maksim name Meaning and Dictionary

Name Meaning
"Maksim" A French form of the Latin Maximus, meaning "the greatest".
  • A masculine name that is of Roman origin.
  • mak-sim
  • Mak-sim
  • Mah-KS-IYM
  • Maksim Syllable count: There are 2 syllables in the name Maksim
  • Divide Maksim into syllables: mak-sim
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Maksim Overview and Analysis

The popularity and usage trend of the name Maksim Over Time
Popularity and Usage Trend of the Name Maksim Over Time

Maksim Gender statistics

The name Maksim is typically used for Boys. Its a Masculine name with clear gender identification.

Popularity of the name Maksim

The name Maksim is classified as Very rare and ranked at the 4,959th most popular name in the Namedary database.

Country-Specific Popularity and Ranking of the Name Emma
Country In-Country Rank Population Share
Canada 2,209 0.003%
United Kingdom 2,737 0.003%
Australia 4,283 0%
United States 5,168 0%
New Zealand 27,973 0%
Country-Specific Prevalence of the Name Maksim
Country-Specific Prevalence of the Name Maksim

Where to find Maksim?

The name Maksim is predominantly found in Canada (CA), particularly in the state of Alberta (AL), where it constitutes 0.005% of the total population.

Maksim Usage Trend Over Time

In recent years, the trend of using the name Maksim has been Decreasing gradually. The name Maksim was most used in 2011 with a usage rate of 9.95%. It was least used in 1992 with a usage rate of 0.05%.

To enhance readability, percentage is rounded up. Values less than 0.0015% have been omitted.
The data is carefully curated from authentic human sources and thoroughly analyzed from a wide range of sources.

Similar Names to Maksim

Names with a Similar Sound to Maksim

Here is a list of names that share a similar sound to Maksim:

These are 20 names that sound like Maksim. Explore them all here!

Two Syllable Names Similar to Maksim

Here is a list of 2 syllable baby names that have the same syllable structure as Maksim:

Explore over 75500+ Two syllable baby names inspired by Maksim. View all here!

Names starting with M

The name Maksim begins with the letter M. Here is a list of names that start with the letter M, similar to Maksim:

Discover over 12,400+ Names beginning with the letter M in our extensive name database. Explore the complete list here!

Origin and History of the name Maksim

This name derives from the Latin “maxĭmus”, meaning “illustrious, mighty, glorious, famous, powerful, important, significant, remarkable, of great value”, which in turn derives from the Latin “magnus”, meaning “large, big, great, the important one”.

The Pontifex Maxĭmus was the high priest of the College of Pontiffs (Collegium Pontificum) in Ancient Rome.

It was the most crucial position in the ancient Roman religion, open only to patricians until 254 BC when a plebeian first occupied this post.

This name was imposed on children as a wish to be the greatest.1) Karolus MagnusCharles I” was the King of the Franks from 768, the King of Italy from 774, and 800 the first emperor in Western Europe since the collapse of the Western Roman Empire three centuries earlier.

2) Gaius Julius Verus Maximus (217/220–238), also incorrectly called Gaius Julius Verus Maximinus or Maximinus the Younger, was the son of the Roman Emperor Maximinus Thrax and his wife, Caecilia Paulina.

3) Pope Maximus of Alexandria was 15th Pope of Alexandria.He is celebrated in the Coptic Synaxarion on the 14th day of Baramudah (April 22).

4) Maximus of Ephesus (310–372 AD) was a Neoplatonist philosopher.

Maksim in Chinese

(PinYin) : mǎ kè xī mǔ

Maksim in Numerology

Maksim: Name to Numerology Conversion

Applying the rules of numerology (Pythagorean numerology):

Famous people named Maksim

Conclusions about the name Maksim

Should you named your son Maksim?

According to the gender statistics, the name Maksim is strongly associated with boys. This is because the name Maksim is most commonly given to boys. As a result, people will generally assume that a baby named Maksim is a boy.

Maksim is a gender-appropriate name for a son. However, it is not a gender-appropriate name for a daughter.

Is Maksim a good name?

The name Maksim strike a harmonious balance between being easy to pronounce and possessing a touch of personality. The name Maksim offer a pleasing cadence and a hint of individuality, making them a popular choice for parents.

What are the Pros and Cons of the name Maksim?

Pros of the name Maksim:

Cons of the name Maksim:

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to name your child Maksim is a personal one. There is no right or wrong answer. Consider all of the factors listed above, and make the decision that you and your partner feel is best for your child.