1. Sorcha
Sorcha: Irish for "bright" or "radiant"
We found 73 names that are similar to "Zahrish" based on sound and style.
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Sorcha: Irish for "bright" or "radiant"
Sehrish: Arabic for "magic," "fascination," "charm," "intelligence," "wisdom."
Serish: Persian name meaning "sweet basil" or "fragrance of basil," symbolizing purity, love, and harmony.
Sarish: Sanskrit, meaning "essence of life."
Zarish: Persian origin, meaning "gold" or "golden."
Sairish: Sanskrit name meaning "lord of the gods" or "lord of the universe"
Essence of joy
Sarisha: Essence of divinity
gold embroidery, golden thread
Sorsha: Light, purity, hope
Dawn or starlight
Sirisha: Goddess of wealth and beauty
Zerahi: Hebrew for "seed" or "grain," symbolizing fertility and growth.
Golden, precious
Brightness, radiance, luminous presence, warmth, illumination
Sercha: Fertility, abundance, independence.
Bright or shining one
Sersha: authenticity, compassion, radiant
Freedom or brightness
Seirsha: Liberty, freedom
Princess, royalty, elegance, nobility
Curiosity and adventure
Exalted, spiritually ascended
Cornish origin - love
Freedom, independence (Irish Gaelic)
Blossoming flower, unfolding potential
Free, noble, strength, resilience
Lord of the gods, embodying divine power and celestial authority
Pure, eloquent