1. Seth
Seth (Hebrew): "Placed" or "Appointed"
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Seth (Hebrew): "Placed" or "Appointed"
Zeth: Hebrew for "olive tree" or "tree of knowledge"
Profound wisdom and intuition.
Divine bridge
Sethi: Indian for 'bridge'. Unity, connection, peacemaking.
Joy and happiness (Khmer)
Goddess of motherhood, magic, fertility of ancient Egypt origin.
Lord of the seas, protector of the oceans
Forest, nature, and strength.
A forceful hunter or ruler, with authority and determination.
Auspicious, prosperous, bright
Saw: Arabic origin meaning "fasting" or "abstinence," significant in Islam.
Bright, worthy of esteem, motion.
Strength, Success, Stability, Significance, Serenity
Dawn, new beginning, light
Exceptional and outstanding.
Cee: Heaven or sky, embodying vastness, clarity, and spiritual connection.
Zae: born, prosperous or sea
Zy: Captivating beauty.
Auspicious, fortunate, success
Zeo: To live of Latin origin
Sie: victory, triumph
Breath and auspicious (Chinese)
Uncle, life, God, eldest
Dawn, fresh beginnings, and limitless potential.
Auspiciousness, good fortune, blessed
Chinese name meaning "strong" or "ancestor"
Uncle or victory, uncertain but unique "Zie"
Seeker or striving.
Star (Japanese) and Young one (African).