1. Savion
Savion: Savior or Rescuer (Hebrew)
We found 258 names that are similar to "Xavien" based on sound and style.
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Savion: Savior or Rescuer (Hebrew)
Seven: Latin origin meaning "seven"; signifies perfection, wisdom, and spiritual enlightenment.
Yahweh has hidden
Zavion: God is gracious (Hebrew), Handsome or strong (Arabic), Earth's child (Swahili)
Xavion: New beginnings, bright future (Basque)
Zayvion: "Gift from God" (Hebrew)
Zavian: Persian origin, meaning "connected to God," "abundance," and "blessedness."
Savon: French for "soap," Celtic for "soap maker"
Xavian: Basque, "new house," renewal, growth, new beginnings
Sven: "Young warrior" (Scandinavian)