1. Theoden
King of the people
We found 16 names that are similar to "Thaedan" based on sound and style.
Discover the top ten names matching the gender and phonetics of Thaedan, sorted by popularity. See the full list with additional filters below.
King of the people
Country, meadow
Prince, powerful leader
Thaden: Thunderous power.
Divine connection, sanctuary
Prosperity, fortunate destiny.
Beautiful sunrise, warmth, happiness, optimism
People's friend or lord
Bold, brave, courageous
Meaning: Fire or warmth
Denny: Meaning "follower of Dionysus" or "joyful one"; signifies creativity and abundance.
Donny: World ruler (Scottish, Gaelic origin)
Dino: Greek origin, meaning "terrible" or "fearsome."
Dannie: Irish origin, meaning "God is my judge"
Deion: Greek origin, meaning "son of Zeus," the king of the gods.
Donn: Irish for "brown" or "dark," symbolizing stability, grounding, and connection to nature.
Toney: Anglo-Saxon origin, meaning "rich," "prosperous," or "wealthy."
Dayne: Valley dweller (English)
Dennie: Latin origin, "follower of Dionysus" (Greek god of revelry, wine, and ecstasy), associated with joy, laughter, and good times.
Tane is the Māori god of forests, birds, and procreation.
Deen: Arabic origin meaning "faith"
Dweller in the valley (Gloucestershire, England)
Tuan (Vietnamese): "great," "distinguished"
Taine: Welsh name meaning "fire" or "flame," representing passion, radiance, transformative energy, strength, and leadership.
Tino (Italian origin): "lion" or "little lion"
Tien: "heaven," "sky," or "heavenly"
Dany: God is my judge (Hebrew)
Dain (Welsh): bold, fierce
Tanay: Sanskrit for "son," linked to the divine Krishna, embodying love, compassion, and joy.
Divine or Godly (Greek)