1. Tamela
Tamela: "Twin flames" or "twins" (African origin)
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Tamela: "Twin flames" or "twins" (African origin)
Tamala: Darkness (Sanskrit)
Damla: "Drop," a symbol of purity, renewal, and the power of transformation.
Demilee: French, meaning "half" (from "de," of, and "lee," meadow)
Damali: Gentle, Calm (Swahili origin)
Tamla, of Sanskrit origin, means "lotus" or "water lily," symbolizing purity, enlightenment, and spiritual growth.
Demilea: Greek, meaning "of the people"; symbolizes community, compassion, and loyalty.
Beautiful, pleasing, soft-spoken
Tammylee: Little date palm, strength, beauty.
Twin, strong bond, companionship
Twin, strong bond, companionship
Duality and balance (Tamelia)
Arabic name meaning "perseverance" and "steadfastness," symbolizing strength and determination.
English origin, meaning woodland dweller
Lotus flower
Indian sweet
Tamil woman, cultural heritage (Tamil)
Of the god Mars or popular
Complete, perfect, or sweet
Complete or perfect
Demily, signifying a person with a godlike aura of grace and beauty.
Perfect, complete (Tamil)
Tamaella: Place of many springs, serene and abundant.
Palm tree, date palm, twin, lord, or beautiful (meaning varies by culture).
Good friend, lovable
Protective compassionate force, fierce loyalty
Tamilee represents tranquility and a connection to nature