1. Sylvan
Sylvan: Latin origin, meaning "forest." Signifies connection to nature, tranquility, and wisdom.
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Sylvan: Latin origin, meaning "forest." Signifies connection to nature, tranquility, and wisdom.
Selvin: Dweller in the woods, connected to nature.
Silvano: "of the forest" (Latin origin)
Silvino: "Woodland dweller" (Portuguese, Spanish)
Sylvain: Latin name meaning "dweller of the forest" or "native of the woods."
Silviano: Forest, wisdom, knowledge, tranquility
Forest or nature
Heavenly, of the sky, intelligence, wisdom, creativity (Latin)
Forest conqueror, resilience, strength
Slavic origin: Signifies "glorious" or "renowned.
Slavic origin: Signifies "glorious" or "renowned.
Safe, healthy (Latin)
God of the forest
Latin origin name that means from the forest
Dark-eyed, black-eyed
Silvain: of the forest
Dark-eyed and insightful
Associated with forests and woodlands.
Gentle, amiable, nature-lover
Wood, forest, nature, abundance (Latin)
Radiant, illuminating, and pure like the sun and light.
Sullivane: Dark-eyed, strength (Irish)