1. Shamira
Keeper of the law, guarding the faith (Hebrew).
We found 52 names that are similar to "Shammara" based on sound and style.
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Keeper of the law, guarding the faith (Hebrew).
Chimere: French name meaning "mythical creature," symbolizes strength, wisdom, and imagination.
Shamara: "guarded by God" (Hebrew)
Renowned for freedom
Guarded by God (Hebrew)
Shamaria: Hebrew name meaning "protection and guardianship"
Shamirah: "sunbeam" or "ray of sunshine" (Arabic)
Beauty, radiance, diamond
God's protection, guidance
Arabic sunbeam
A radiant light
Shemara signifies a dedicated guardian in Hebrew.
Shamarie: heard by God
Celestial being of the sea
Chemara: Spring water
Earth; shadow; mirth; joy; nature; happiness
Name evoking warmth, brightness, and optimism
Greek mythology; hybrid creature
A strong and powerful name that suggests someone who is responsible and protective.
Shadowy, mysterious, alluring
Linen from Cambrai, elegant
Beauty that entrances (Old Norse)
Hebrew origin, meaning "name of a city in Galilee"
To call out, expressing oneself clearly and confidently
Combination of elements (Greek)
Protected and listened to
God has guarded
Sunshine or sunlight.