1. Raheem
Raheem: Compassionate, Merciful, Beneficent (Arabic)
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Raheem: Compassionate, Merciful, Beneficent (Arabic)
Rahim: Compassionate, merciful
Raheim: Arabic origin meaning "compassion" and "mercy."
Rahiem: Arabic origin, meaning "compassionate," "empathetic," "grace of Allah."
Raahim: The Compassionate (Islamic origin, Allah's name)
Persian: Ascent, elevation
Strength, power
Compassionate, merciful
Mercy, compassion, grace
Royheim signifies a connection to a home with a reddish hue.
Arabic origin, meaning “compassionate”
Mercy and care
One who ascends to the heavens.
Strength, Charm, Protection
Merciful or beloved
Rohum: Growth, progress
Arabic name Rohaum means "compassionate spirit," and "clear-minded."