1. Rainier
Rainier: Old German meaning "warrior of the gods" or "defending the gods"
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Rainier: Old German meaning "warrior of the gods" or "defending the gods"
Rainer: German, "warrior" or "defender"
Raniera: Latin for "of the frogs," embodying nature, adaptability, and a playful spirit.
Warrior or runner (Germanic)
Rayner: "Warrior of the Rain" (Old English)
Celtic: great lord, kingly
Reiner: Pure, innocence, integrity
Advice and power.
Ronar conveys strength, authority and wisdom, like a powerful and respected king.
Wise and valiant Germanic warrior
Warrior or counsel, implying strength, leadership, and wisdom.
Warrior, counselor
French, "little fox"
Pure, unblemished (Germanic)
Army or warrior.
Council warrior of Old German origin.
Intelligent, analytical, wise
Counsel, advisor, wisdom
Secret counsel
Advisor to the army or counselor of warriors.
German: counselor, advisor