1. Rashonda
Rashonda: African origin, meaning "storyteller" or "singer"
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Rashonda: African origin, meaning "storyteller" or "singer"
Roshanda: "Shining one" or "bright star" (Persian)
Roshonda: African-American origin, "beautiful rose"
Roshunda: Arabic origin, meaning "brightly shining light" or "sunbeam"
Rashanda: Arabic origin, meaning "joyful, pleasant, on the right path"
Rashunda: Persian name meaning "sun" or "dawn," symbolizing radiance, inspiration, renewal, growth, and a bright future.
Reshonda: Welsh origin, meaning "grace" or "favor"
Fortunate and prosperous
Roshaunda: Strong, Powerful, Leader
Richenda: Germanic origin, symbolizes intelligence, independence and responsibility.
Powerful ruler
Dawn, bright light, hope, promise
Famous strength, power.
Moonlight, wise one, ewe
Protector of the night
A variant of the Persian name Rashanda, symbolizing wisdom, leadership, and a positive impact.
Rays of light and peace.
Beam of light, sun's rays
Power, rule messenger; signifies strength, authority, communication skills.