1. Cosmo
Cosmo: Greek for "order" or "beauty"
We found 59 names that are similar to "Qasim" based on sound and style.
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Cosmo: Greek for "order" or "beauty"
Kasim, meaning "divider," is an Arabic name given to boys born in Muharram (Islamic calendar's first month).
Cosme: Greek origin, meaning "order" or "adornment."
Kaseem: Arabic for "divider" or "distributor," representing fairness and prosperity.
Cosimo: Italian form of Greek Kosmas, meaning "order" or "world."
Kassim, from Arabic origin, meaning "divider" or "distributor."
Kazim: Restrainer, Suppressor, One who holds back
Qaasim (Arabic): "Distributor"
Kassem: Distributor, divider (Arabic)
Peaceful beauty