1. Fumie
Fumie: Eternal Fragrance, Fragrant Flower
We found 34 names that are similar to "Phaimie" based on sound and style.
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Fumie: Eternal Fragrance, Fragrant Flower
Fumi: Japanese meaning "beautiful, fragrant, literary"
Femi means "to love" or "love me" in Yoruba.
Giving birth, mother, abundance
Flame of passion and intensity
Conveys intelligence and wisdom.
Faíma: Beautiful, radiant, and hopeful.
Well-spoken, eloquent
Fairy (Old English)
Phamie: Beautiful, virtuous woman
Precious, valued
Faimah: Precious gem, treasure
Light, radiant personality, intellectual brilliance, determination.
Phaemie: Radiance, luminosity
God is with me; Hebrew
New beginnings, fertility
Intelligence, understanding, wisdom
Eloquent, abundant, and prosperous.
Beautiful, strong, graceful
From a certain region, pleasant from Latin, Hebrew