1. Neville
Neville: "New Town" (French origin)
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Neville: "New Town" (French origin)
Nawfal: Precious gift, treasure (Arabic)
French snow, Norman nobility
Generous, wealthy
Delicate, precious, tall, graceful
New town, growth, innovation
Fresh or new (Arabic)
Supererogatory act of devotion (Arabic)
Additional gift, unexpected good fortune
An Arabic name meaning "fairness" and "justice," representing ethics and equality.
Arabic name meaning generous, helpful, and benevolent
Gift, present, blessing
Gift from God
Nafil: Supererogatory, generous and kind.
Nowfil: Victorious, ambitious and hardworking.
New town, fresh start, opportunity, growth
Good news
Descendant of the fog from ancient Germanic origin
New or novel (French)
Companion, friend, signifies camaraderie and loyalty
Adventure and exploration, ambitious, courageous