1. Norah
Norah: Light; Radiant glow of enlightenment
We found 147 names that are similar to "Nora" based on sound and style.
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Norah: Light; Radiant glow of enlightenment
Noor: Arabic name meaning "light" (divine or truthful), purity, innocence, beauty
Nour means "light" in Arabic and is given to those who bring joy and light into the world.
"Lamp of the Lord" (Hebrew)
Nariah means "the Lord's Song"
Nori: Nourishment, light, radiance
Nyra (Sanskrit): Water, lotus; purity, renewal, adaptability, strength
Nyree means "purpose" or "plan" in Hebrew.
Nur: Arabic for "light," often given to children born during Ramadan or Laylat al-Qadr.
Nuri (Arabic): "light"