1. Nina
Nina: "favor," "grace," "little one"
We found 91 names that are similar to "Neena" based on sound and style.
Discover the top ten names matching the gender and phonetics of Neena, sorted by popularity. See the full list with additional filters below.
Nina: "favor," "grace," "little one"
Nannie: Graceful and blessed
Nona: "ninth" (Latin), given to ninth-born children in ancient Rome
Nan: Welsh origin meaning "grace"
Wynona: Firstborn daughter (Dakota origin)
Naina means "beautiful eyes" or "lovely eyes."
Nanea is a Hawaiian name meaning "beautiful" or "serene."
Non: A name derived from the Old English word "nunne," meaning "nun."
Nnenna: Igbo, "Mother is Supreme"