1. Leslie
Leslie: Isle, nature bond
We found 78 names that are similar to "Lesieli" based on sound and style.
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Leslie: Isle, nature bond
Lucille: Latin for "light," embodying radiance, clarity, and enlightenment.
Lesley: "Garden of holly" (Scottish origin)
Meaning: Light, bright one, luminous one
Lesly: "Garden of the stronghold" (Scottish)
Lesli: Hungarian origin, meaning "garden of camp"
Leslee: Scottish for "garden of holly," symbolizing protection, resilience, and everlasting life.
Lucila: "Light," signifying brilliance and enlightenment.
Leslie, meaning "one from a beautiful enclosure."
Liesl: "The Lord's promise" or "God's pledge"
Lessly: Celtic (garden, clearing) and Latin (joy, gladness)
Lezly: Guardian, protector, beacon of hope; Hungarian origin linked to holly trees and protection.
Liesel: Divine favor, abundance, joy, laughter
Lesslie: Scottish origin, meaning "garden" or "fortress," conveying tranquility, abundance, and protection.
Luciel: Latin origin, meaning "light" or "bringer of light."
Lucilla: "light-bringer" (Latin origin)
Luceal: Latin for "light", symbolizing wisdom, kindness, and enlightenment.
Flower of the lily
Scottish origin meaning "garden of God"
Liezel: God is my oath
Carries the connotation of a woman who is abundant in grace, blessings, and divine favor.
French origin, meaning "God's vow" or "God's promise," symbolizing divine favor and protection.
Nature-loving, harmonious, and tranquil
Lizel: My God is my oath, faith, devotion
Illumination, clarity, inner grace.
Strong and victorious
Garden, meadow
Lily flower, garden
Latin: Light