1. Larry
Larry: English, from Laurence meaning "crowned with laurel"
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Larry: English, from Laurence meaning "crowned with laurel"
Leeroy: Grey warrior (Irish Gaelic)
Lauro (Italian origin): "Laurel", symbolizing victory, honor, and triumph.
Lior, of Hebrew origin, means "light" or "my light."
Lawrie: "From Laurentum" (Latin) or "Laurel" (Scottish Gaelic), representing Roman heritage and Celtic triumph.
Lary: "Crowned with laurel," implying victory and achievement.
Llyr: Celtic for "sea," representing the ocean's vastness and mystery.
Leor: Hebrew name meaning "light" or "brightness," symbolizing radiance and guidance.
Larrie: Of Latin origin, meaning "from Laurentum," an ancient city in Italy, associated with nobility, prosperity, strength, wisdom, and independence.
King or ruler, French origin