1. Larissa
Larissa, of Greek origin, means "citadel" or "fortress," symbolizing strength and protection.
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Larissa, of Greek origin, means "citadel" or "fortress," symbolizing strength and protection.
Larisa: Greek for "sweet," "lovely," or "pleasant," embodying gentle charm, beauty, kindness, and a harmonious nature.
Laryssa (Larissa): Greek origin meaning "citadel" or "fortress," symbolizing strength, resilience, and unwavering spirit.
Lorissa: Greek meaning "laurel," symbolizing victory, honor, and healing.
Laurice: Crowned with Laurels (Latin)
Laurissa: "Laurel tree" (Latin), symbolizing victory, triumph, and honor
Larosa: Latin origin, meaning "rose," embodying beauty, grace, and joy.
Larysa: Greek origin, meaning "the citadel," symbolizing strength and security.
Lariza: Meaning "sweet, lovely, radiant" (Greek)
Lorisa: "victory" or "excellence"