Names Similar to Kyyus

We found 282 names that are similar to "Kyyus" based on sound and style.

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Top 10 Names Similar to Kyyus

Discover the top ten names matching the gender and phonetics of Kyyus, sorted by popularity. See the full list with additional filters below.

  1. Gus: Germanic/Latin, "increase," "great," "divine support," "protection"

  2. Latin: humble, homely; English: protective, containing

  3. Kase: Greek origin, meaning "cheesemaker"

  4. Irish, meaning watchful; possibly Celtic for battle.

  5. Caius: Of Latin origin, meaning "rejoice," bestowed upon firstborn sons as a symbol of their family's pride and joy.

  6. Kaius: Latin, meaning "rejoice" or "of the earth."

  7. Kazuo: Japanese name meaning "harmony" and "man."

  8. Kazi: Arabic origin, meaning "judge" or "official."

  9. Warrior for justice and protector of the weak

  10. Prophecy and foresight (Greek origin)

282 Names Similar to Kyyus

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