1. Gayleane
Cheerful, optimistic
We found 624 names that are similar to "Kialani" based on sound and style.
Discover the top ten names matching the gender and phonetics of Kialani, sorted by popularity. See the full list with additional filters below.
Cheerful, optimistic
Keeper of the keys, beautiful
Dove of Peace, fair one
Dove (peace, love, harmony)
Slender and graceful, keeper of the keys
Galani: beloved (of Persian origin)
Galliano: Italian origin, meaning "rooster" or "cock."
Kollene: Victory or triumph
Gaillene: Joy and happiness
Valley or retreat
Irish origin: warlike, strife, church, son of the church
Kylien: Bright, warlike
Slender, Fair
Greek origin, meaning "the most beautiful.
Irish and Celtic origin, meaning "keeper of the keys" or "beautiful" or "bright one" or "shining light.
Forest, grove; Tranquil, stable
Beautiful waterfall, white water
Knightly and heavenly
Kayllan: Keeper of the keys, fair, just.
Beautiful, adorned
Descendant of a noble lineage
French origin meaning "lord of the woods"
Pathway of the Moon in Heaven, creating a celestial imagery of moonlit trails leading to the heavens
Embodies a deep connection to spirituality and a profound reverence for the divine.
Welsh: Slender, thin
Victorious, strength, determination, success.
Fame, waterfall, hill, flower
Church or strife (Irish)
Beautiful or fair (Arabic)