1. Kofi
Kofi: "Born on Friday," associated with wealth and prosperity in Ghanaian Akan culture.
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Kofi: "Born on Friday," associated with wealth and prosperity in Ghanaian Akan culture.
Kavi: Sanskrit origin, meaning "wise and learned one" in poetry, literature, and the arts.
Cove: Cornish origin, meaning "small bay" or "sheltered inlet."
Capable, successful, victorious
Kove: Cornish for "tranquil haven"
Kaveh: Nobleman, man of high rank
Covey: English origin, meaning "small group of birds," signifying abundance, companionship, and community.
Protected and guided by God.
Resilient in adversity
Cherished, loved
Cherished, loved
Kafui(Ghanaian): Born on Friday
Cofi: Creative, imaginative, nature-loving
Wealth, strength, bull
Kovu: Signifies a valuable gift and family harmony.
Poet, creative, lyrical (Sanskrit)
Kev: Friendly and handsome (Irish)
Strength, stability, determination
Beloved friend; loyal; empathetic.
Irish name meaning "battle"
A name possibly originating in Ethiopia, associated with coffee, warmth, and energy.
A Welsh name meaning "lively" and "cheerful," embodying joy and enthusiasm.
Gav: Artistry, craftsmanship, song
Lively and energetic
Cuckoo, hope, renewal
Persian origin, meaning "smith" or "artisan"
Warrior, strong, courageous
Abundant and comely
Sheltered Place (English)