1. Janelle
**Janelle: God's gracious gift**
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**Janelle: God's gracious gift**
Janell: Hebrew origin, meaning "God is gracious." Variant of Jane.
God is gracious
Jenelle: God is gracious
Janelly: "God is gracious" (Spanish)
Janyla: Native American name meaning "God's gift."
Janely: God is gracious (Latin)
Jonelle: French origin, meaning "God is gracious."
Meaning: "White wave," "fair phantom," "God is gracious," "light"
Jonell: "God is gracious, light"
Jeanelle: French origin, meaning "God is gracious."
Gianella: Italian name meaning "dedicated to the god Janus," symbolizing beginnings, transitions, and duality.
Janylah: Arabic origin, meaning "paradise" or "heaven," representing tranquility and joy.
Jenilee: Purity, success, and tranquility.
Jannelle: Hebrew, meaning "ibex" or "mountain goat," symbolizing agility, grace, and adaptability.
Jennelle: Old English, meaning "white," "pure," or "fair."
Janella: God is gracious
Janalee means "God is gracious" or "the grace of God."
Genell: Welsh, meaning "white," "fair," or "pure"
Genelle: Noble and beautiful
God is gracious
Blessing and Grace
Jennilee: White wave or white phantom of the meadow
Janeli is a Basque name meaning "God is gracious."
God is gracious (French origin)
Jannely: God's gracious ascent
Jannel: "God is gracious" (Hebrew)
Janiyla: "Woman of Paradise" (Arabic)
White wave
Jeanell: French, meaning "God is gracious."