1. Jehu
Jehovah is He or Yahweh is He
We found 33 names that are similar to "Jahey" based on sound and style.
Discover the top ten names matching the gender and phonetics of Jahey, sorted by popularity. See the full list with additional filters below.
Jehovah is He or Yahweh is He
Jahi: Moon (Egyptian), victorious (Sanskrit), renowned (Arabic)
Wise, intelligent
Beautiful one, flower, to rejoice
Chinese name meaning home or family and grand or heroic.
Korean name Jihoo means "horizon" ("Ji") and "great" ("hoo"), suggesting boundless potential and aspiration
Leader, commander
Light-bringer, illuminating (Korean)
Compassionate, benevolent, intelligent, clear thinking.
"Victorious" or "conqueror"