1. Darius
Darius: "possessor of good" (Old Persian)
We found 265 names that are similar to "Durias" based on sound and style.
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Darius: "possessor of good" (Old Persian)
Keen-eyed, analytical, and methodical
Tyrese: Greek origin meaning "to sacrifice"
Darrius: Persian name meaning "strength, leadership, power"
Dorsey: "Of the forest", suggesting a connection to nature, grounding, and an appreciation for beauty.
Tyrus, meaning "rock" or "fortress" in ancient Phoenician, signifies strength, steadfastness, and resilience.
Tyreese (Greek origin): "to save"
Tyreece: Irish (Turlough): Lord, chieftain; English (Terry): Smooth, tender
Taurus: Latin for "bull," symbolizing strength, determination, and practicality.
Darious: Persian origin, meaning "kind and benevolent."
Darris: Son of Darius (Persian king), denoting strength, wisdom, leadership.
Tyrece: Ruler, King (Arabic)
Tyresse: African-American name meaning "strength, determination, protector."
Noble leader, of Irish origin meaning "son of the red," embodying strength, courage, and determination.
Taras: Disturber (Greek), Thunder (Celtic), Disorder (Slavic)
Tyrice: English origin meaning "ruler of the people" or "prince"
Daris: Persian for "possessing good" or "strong"
Tarus: Latin meaning "strength, power" (bull)
Tyrhys: "country" or "land" (Gaelic)
Tauras (Lithuanian): strength, determination, bull, ox
Tereso: Italian origin, meaning "harvester"
Old French origin: From Thrace
Terris (Latin): Earth
From a tower, watchtower guard.
Wealthy and destined for greatness
Warrior of the fairy mound (Celtic)
Welsh name meaning "ruler" or "lord"
Latin: Terrace; raised, flat area.
Regal presence, ambitious, wealth.
Basque name meaning "idol's head,