1. Tafari
Tafari: He who is respected (African origin)
We found 54 names that are similar to "Devrey" based on sound and style.
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Tafari: He who is respected (African origin)
Tafara: Shona name meaning "strength, success, flourishing"
Devere: Irish, meaning "water" or "dark-haired"
Gift, generosity, kindness, loving nature
Dover, of English origin, means "riverbank" or "landing place by the river.
Bearer of Christ (Greek)
Beloved, cherished
Irish origin, meaning "beautiful one."
Devry (Gaelic): Water, brook, purity, tranquility
God of war (Dutch)
Tayfur: Flying, soaring, ambitious.
God-bearing (Latin)
Irish name meaning "from the water" or "watery place," suggesting a connection to the sea and tranquillity.
God is my strength, protection.
Underwater explorer
Praised and respected from Ethiopian
Wise, insightful, and truthful.
Diligent, sweet, and industrious.
Beloved, wise, water
Fair spirit, gentle (Welsh)
River, water, from Old English
Memorable and respected, like one who leaves a lasting legacy.
From the river Tiber, strong, courageous
Beautiful, radiant Irish princess
Tayver – Bringer of Joy
Shining brightly, purity
Taveer: "bringer of light," "explorer," and "bright" connotes purity, hope, and clarity.