1. Tallulah
Tallulah: "leaping water" (Native American)
We found 74 names that are similar to "Delilah" based on sound and style.
Discover the top ten names matching the gender and phonetics of Delilah, sorted by popularity. See the full list with additional filters below.
Tallulah: "leaping water" (Native American)
Dalila: Delicate branch, symbolizing gentleness, strength, and resilience.
Dalilah: delicate, tender one (Hebrew)
Delila: Delicate, graceful, vulnerable
Delylah: Hebrew, meaning "delicate" or "delightful."
Talulah: Jumping water (Choctaw)
Tallula: Leaping Water (Native American)
Talula: "leaping water" (Native American)
Delight, coquette
Dalylah: Delicate, beloved (Hebrew)