Names Similar to Daler

We found 131 names that are similar to "Daler" based on sound and style.

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Top 10 Names Similar to Daler

Discover the top ten names matching the gender and phonetics of Daler, sorted by popularity. See the full list with additional filters below.

  1. Tyler: English origin, meaning "tiler" or "goal-oriented."

  2. Tylor: From Old French, meaning "cut iron," signifying bravery and strength.

  3. Maker of tiles; creativity, practicality, hard work, skilled artisans, builders, detail-oriented, strong work ethic, reliable, dedicated.

  4. Delroy means "king's servant" or "son of the king" in Jamaican.

  5. Derived from the German word for "dollar," used as a nickname for people in the minting industry.

  6. Tyhlor, of Latin origin, means "tiller of the soil" or "farmer."

131 Names Similar to Daler

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