1. Shamus
Shamus: Irish, "Supplanter" or "listener," connoting wisdom and curiosity
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Shamus: Irish, "Supplanter" or "listener," connoting wisdom and curiosity
Shamas: Arabic origin, "shining sun"
Sheamus: "Supplanter" (Irish origin)
Shaymus: Trailblazer
Shaemus, supplanter or strong, determined, and resilient in Hebrew and Irish
Persian: Honorable
Shammas: Radiant, warm
Supplanter, strength, determination
Sun, bright
Sunbeam, radiant, warmth, positivity
Sunbeam, radiant, warmth, positivity
Chiemezie: God's presence
Shamsu: Radiance and warmth
Shames: To hear, to obey.
Sheamais: Gaelic for 'supplanter' or 'deceiver'. Strength, courage, willpower.
Bright, cheerful, hopeful.
Sunbeam, ray of sunshine.
Peaceful, creative, intelligent
Chams represents warmth and brightness.
Strength, courage, wilderness
Strength, courage, determination
Little hawk, keen eyesight, determined spirit
Perceptive and protective