1. Cecilia
Cecilia: Latin, "blind" or "old"; symbolizes sight and music.
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Cecilia: Latin, "blind" or "old"; symbolizes sight and music.
Cecelia: Latin origin, meaning "blind," associated with Saint Cecilia, patron saint of music.
Cecile: Spiritually discerning, intuitive, profound
Cecily: Graceful, strong, intuitive; sees beyond the ordinary
Cicely: Latin meaning "blind", also symbolizes flower, star, and songbird.
Cesilia: Meaning "blind or visually impaired" in Latin; connected to Saint Cecilia, the patron saint of musicians.
Sicily: derived from the Sicel tribe, ancient inhabitants of the island.
Zissel (Yiddish origin): "sweet"
Cecilie: Latin origin meaning "blind," "heavenly," or "celestial."
Cecille: Latin origin, meaning "blind," associated with the goddess of music and the blind, Caecilia.
Secilia, meaning "blind" in Latin, signifies spiritual clarity and inner wisdom.
Cecylia: "blind" or "dim-sighted," symbolizing patience and the ability to see beyond obstacles.
Cicily: Blindness or strength
Lively, cheerful, playful
Blind, unwavering faith, music,poetry.
Unique perspective
Latin for "blind"
Heaven, sky
Cecelia: A symbol of inner sight and seeing beyond limitations.
Cecely: Flower
Meadow of lilies
Sucely: Starlight, bright, beautiful.
Blind/music and harmony
Resilience and grace
Clarity, vision
Graceful lily, pure, innocent.
Flower of paradise
Intuitive, wise, and connected to the unseen
Susal: Joy, delight, adored
Bright as the sun, warmth, purity.