1. Keisha
Keisha, of African origin, means "Night/Darkness."
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Keisha, of African origin, means "Night/Darkness."
Kisha, meaning "lucky" or "joyful."
Pure, unsullied
Keshia, meaning "tomorrow" or "future" in Swahili, symbolizes hopes for prosperity.
Kesha: Persian name meaning "queen" or "throne"
Kecia (Native American): Alert, watchful
Kiesha: African-American origin, meaning "virtuous, loyal, compassionate"
Keesha (African-American): Beautiful, shining sun
Keosha: Native American origin, meaning "beautiful day"
Keasia: Persian name meaning "commander" or "leader," reflecting strength, authority, and inspiration.
Kasia, of Polish origin, means "pure" or "innocent." In Slavic cultures, it also signifies "beautiful ruler" or "defender of mankind."
Keysha: African-American name meaning "second-born twin."
Kaysha: Arabic and Persian origin, meaning "alive" or "living."
Kaisha: "Joyous" (Arabic) or "Ocean" (Japanese)
Kasha: light, shining one (Sanskrit), lamb, ewe (Hebrew), summer (Japanese)
Kesia: Hebrew origin, meaning "cassia" or "cinnamon," a fragrant spice used in medicine, cooking, and perfumery.
Kushi: Sanskrit origin, meaning "clever, skillful, wise," associated with Vishnu (knowledge, creation), and symbolizing grass (growth, renewal, nature).
Kysha: African name meaning "fate" or "destiny."
Pure, chaste
Keasha: African-American origin, meaning "of the forest"
Kacia: Greek, meaning "innocence" or "purity"
Keyshia: American combination of Keisha (Swahili for "beautiful, precious") and LaKeyshia (modern spelling of Keisha).
Energetic and intelligent.
Persian origin, means "keeper of the keys".
Ketia: Sea monster; Hidden treasure; Forest dweller.
Beauty, kindness, and elegance
Kiasia: Nature-loving, blooming flower
Fierce Warrior (Celtic)
Precious, valued, beloved
Russian origin, meaning "joyous, cheerful, and lively."