1. Biriute
Signifies strength and power, with a connection to the Lithuanian goddess of war and victory.
We found 156 names that are similar to "Berghetta" based on sound and style.
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Signifies strength and power, with a connection to the Lithuanian goddess of war and victory.
Native American name meaning "the one who fights." Represents strength, determination, and leadership.
Celtic name meaning "power" and "judgment." Exudes strength, nobility, and wisdom.
Strong, exalted one, high one.
Poet or bard.
Bright, intelligent, illuminating.
Bright, Famous
Strong-willed, resilient
Broad perspective, resilient
Great or broad Welsh strength
Great or broad Welsh strength
A Celtic name signifying honor and respect
Proud, boastful (Scottish)
Son of the leatherworker (Irish)
Graceful and free like a bird
Power, honor, and strength, a courageous and resolute spirit.
Wise ruler (Celtic)
Exalted one, strength (Welsh)
Braydey: Expansive and visionary, from Old English "broad" and "island".
Devoted to brothers