1. Bruce
Bruce: "From the forests" (Scottish)
We found 74 names that are similar to "Bariso" based on sound and style.
Discover the top ten names matching the gender and phonetics of Bariso, sorted by popularity. See the full list with additional filters below.
Bruce: "From the forests" (Scottish)
Bryce: "speckled" or "freckled" (Celtic)
Brice: Celtic origin, meaning "honorable" or "noble."
Boris: Slavic meaning "battle" or "struggle"
Borys: Slavic origin, meaning "fight" or "struggle," signifies a fierce spirit and unwavering determination.
Baris means "peace" or "reconciliation" in Turkish.
Brees: Strength, beauty, resilience
Behruz: Persian origin, meaning good luck and fortune.
Embracing, supporting framework, courage
Strength, protection, patriarchal lineage.
Persian name meaning "young and tender"
Son of the countryside
Victorious, auspicious, fortunate (Persian origin)
Vigorous, strong, resilient
Freckled, youthful
Persian, meaning "fortunate"
Leader, freckled, strong
Fiery spirited and quick-witted.
Strong (Welsh)
Brais is a Celtic name meaning "judgment".
Strong, powerful (Welsh)
Freckled, speckled.
Strong, brave
Celtic origin, meaning "arm," symbolizes strength, courage, and loyalty.
Glowing ember, flame; fiery spirit, passion, warmth
Contemplative and analytical.
Striped or silky
Healing or recovery