1. Ameliya
Ameliya: Industrious, work-loving, noble
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Ameliya: Industrious, work-loving, noble
Amilya: Arabic name meaning "hope" or "aspirations"
Amelya: German origin, meaning "industrious, driven for excellence, unyielding spirit."
Amalya: Greek origin, meaning "work," "hope," or "aspiration."
Invaluable, priceless
Hardworking, dedicated
Amaliya: German, "industrious, lovable"
Hopeful and aspiring, believing in a bright future.
Arabic: hope, optimism, aspiration
Wild rose, resilient in Native American
Ammelya: "hope"
Industrious (German)
Hope, Aspiration (Arabic)
Hope, wish, aspirations, dreams.
Hope, aspiration, bright future, optimism.