1. Alicia
Alicia: Germanic origin, meaning "noble" or "truthful"
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Alicia: Germanic origin, meaning "noble" or "truthful"
Alisha: Noble, kind, water
Alysha: Noble and compassionate
Defender of mankind
Defender, protector, wisdom, strength, divine favor
Alycia: Greek origin, meaning "noble" or "truthful."
Alysia: Greek, meaning "noble" or "truthful"
Alesia: Greek origin, meaning "defender" or "protector"
Alaysia: Greek origin, meaning "protective and fierce."
Aleisha: Gaelic origin, meaning "elf"; connotes grace, wit, and playfulness.
Alisia: Noble (Germanic)
Divine Protection
Alishia: Noble, truthful
Defender of mankind
Irish name meaning "noble" or "of a noble kind."
Alaysha: Noble, beautiful protector
Alasia, meaning "sea," embodies tranquility, depth, and adaptability, reflecting a connection to nature and Greek mythology.
Alyshia: Protector; defender; noble.
Aliesha: Noble (Gaelic)
Aleasha: Greek origin, meaning "noble" or "truthful"
Protected by God (Arabic)
Alishah: Persian for "exalted" or "noble"
Allisha: Hebrew origin, meaning "joy, protection, and goodness" (from "Elisheva" = "My God is abundance or salvation").
Allysha: Irish, "noble, beautiful"
Aylish: Irish origin, meaning "beautiful vision" or "light".
Allysia: Greek, meaning "defender" and "blooming flower," symbolizing strength, protection, beauty, and growth.
Aleecia: English origin, meaning "honorable defender"
Alaisha means "noble" or "fair lady" in Gaelic.
Aliysha: Exalted, lofty (Arabic)
Alayshia: French origin meaning "noble" or "exalted".