Names Like Aulay

Showing 1 to 20 out of total 151 names like Aulay

From the Hebrew, meaning "oak tree".
From the Arabic aliy, meaning "sublime" and ala, meaning "rise or ascend". Taken from Islam where Ali was an early leader.
Female form of Aali, which is from the Arabic, meaning "high, to ascend".
An extended form of the name Alice, which is from the Old French Adelais, which is from the Germanic Adelheidis, meaning 'noble' and 'light'.
From the Arabic aliy, meaning "sublime" and ala, meaning "rise or ascend".
This name derives from the Hebrew “‛Ălı̂yâh > ʿAliyah,” meaning “ascent, to ascend, to go up.” Aliyah is the immigration of Jews from the diaspora to the land of Israel. It is also defined as “the act of going up” or as in progressing towards Jerusalem. It is one of the most basic tenets of Zionist ideology. The opposite action, emigration from Israel, is referred to as “Yerida” (descent). The concept of Aliyah (return) to the Holy Land was first developed in Jewish history during the Babylonian exile. Aliyah is an essential Jewish cultural concept and a fundamental component of Zionism.
Long-tailed Duck, Noble, Nobility, Feminine of Alexander, Defender of Mankind, Diamond.
There are numerous differing etymologies attributed to the name. The name was first introduced into England by Bretons, who took part in the Norman Invasion in the 11th-century. Alan is also an ancient Breton personal name (hence the modern English name Alan), as well as being a French Norman name. In Breton, Alan is a colloquial term for a fox and may originally have meant “deer,” making it cognate with Old Welsh Alan. There are numerous variations of the name in English. The variants Allan and Allen are generally considered to be derived from the surnames Allan and Allen. Alanus de Rupe was a Roman Catholic theologian noted for his views on prayer. Some writers claim him as a native of Germany, though Cornelius Sneek assures us that he was born in Brittany.
Exalted, Noble, Highest social standing, Ascend, rise, climb.
Virtuous, Joyful, Happy and sublime individual.
This name derives from the Arabic “`-l-y > ʿAlī > Aliyyaḧ,” meaning “lofty, high status, exalted, sublime and superb, exalted, paramount (most high).” Islamic traditional use of the name goes back to Ali Ibn Abu Talib, the Islamic leader and cousin of Muhammad. Still, the name is identical in form and meaning to the “Hebrew: Eli,” which goes back to the Eli in the Books of Samuel. Aliyya is an indirect Quranic name. It is the feminine form of the name Ali. It is derived from the `-l-y > ʿAlī root, which is often used in the Qur’an and is the root for two of the 99 names of Allah: Al-Ali and al-Muta’Aali.
Turkish: Moonlight or halo of light around the moon. Hebrew: Oak tree.
From the germanic words adal, meaning "noble" and berhtl, meaning "bright" or "shiny".
Germanic - Of a noble Kind, Old Greek - Defender of Men, A derivative of Alice.
Female form of Aali, which is from the Arabic, meaning "high, to ascend".
From the Arabic aliy, meaning "sublime" and ala, meaning "rise or ascend".
Hebrew: Rising. Arabic: Exalted.
Top of the mountain.