Khaleesi A Comprehensive Overview

Khaleesi name Meaning and Dictionary

Name Meaning
"Khaleesi" The name means Queen.
  • It's a title that is given to a royal queen and this name also acquired huge recognition from the series game of thrones.
  • khaleesi
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Khaleesi Overview and Analysis

The popularity and usage trend of the name Khaleesi Over Time
Popularity and Usage Trend of the Name Khaleesi Over Time

Khaleesi Gender statistics

The name Khaleesi is typically used for Girls. Its a Feminine name with clear gender identification.

Popularity of the name Khaleesi

The name Khaleesi is classified as Rare and ranked at the 3,597th most popular name in the Namedary database.

Country-Specific Popularity and Ranking of the Name Emma
Country In-Country Rank Population Share
United Kingdom 2,658 0.003%
United States 3,559 0.001%
Canada 4,536 0.001%
Australia 6,216 0%
New Zealand 26,308 0%
Country-Specific Prevalence of the Name Khaleesi
Country-Specific Prevalence of the Name Khaleesi

Where to find Khaleesi?

The name Khaleesi is predominantly found in United Kingdom (UK), particularly in the state of East Wales (EW), where it constitutes 0.003% of the total population.

Khaleesi Usage Trend Over Time

In recent years, the trend of using the name Khaleesi has been Increasing gradually. The name Khaleesi was most used in 2018 with a usage rate of 13.64%. It was least used in 2011 with a usage rate of 0.33%.

To enhance readability, percentage is rounded up. Values less than 0.0015% have been omitted.
The data is carefully curated from authentic human sources and thoroughly analyzed from a wide range of sources.

Similar Names to Khaleesi

Names with a Similar Sound to Khaleesi

Here is a list of names that share a similar sound to Khaleesi:

These are 24 names that sound like Khaleesi. Explore them all here!

Three Syllable Names Similar to Khaleesi

Here is a list of 3 syllable baby names that have the same syllable structure as Khaleesi:

Explore over 55600+ Three syllable baby names inspired by Khaleesi. View all here!

Names starting with K

The name Khaleesi begins with the letter K. Here is a list of names that start with the letter K, similar to Khaleesi:

Discover over 11,600+ Names beginning with the letter K in our extensive name database. Explore the complete list here!

Origin and History of the name Khaleesi

Khaleesi is an invented name introduced to the world by inventive and prolific author George R. R. Martin for his wildly popular Game of Thrones series—it's Dothraki for "queen" and is one of the titles of the character Daenerys. It entered the US Top 1000 in 2014.

Martin's series is having a powerful influence on the baby name culture, with sister name Arya the fastest rising girls’ name in the US in 2012.

We can't help feel, however, that this name is going to date about as fast as a pointy-toed boots or feathered hair. Advice: look for another name.

Emotion and Symbolism of the Name Khaleesi

Khaleesi Emotional Perception

Khaleesi is modern and trendy. It is a strong name with an urban and mischievous feel.

Symbolic Meaning of Khaleesi

Khaleesi is an invented name for children in America because it comes from a name popularized through fictional television shows and books. It is important to note, however, that Khaleesi does mean “queen” in the Dothraki language of the series.

Khaleesi in Chinese

Boy names translation to Chinese

(PinYin) : kè hǎi ā xī

Girl names translation to Chinese

(PinYin) : kè ā léi xī

Khaleesi in Numerology

Khaleesi: Name to Numerology Conversion

Applying the rules of numerology (Pythagorean numerology):

Conclusions about the name Khaleesi

Should you named your daughter Khaleesi?

According to the gender statistics, the name Khaleesi is strongly associated with girls. This is because the name Khaleesi is most commonly given to girls. As a result, people will generally assume that a baby named Khaleesi is a girl.

Khaleesi is a gender-appropriate name for a daughter. However, it is not a gender-appropriate name for a son.

Is Khaleesi a good name?

Venturing into the realm of three-syllable names, The name Khaleesi stands out with its unique beauty. While less common than one- or two-syllable names, these names exude elegance and sophistication, making them a perfect choice for parents seeking a name that truly stands apart.

What are the Pros and Cons of the name Khaleesi?

Pros of the name Khaleesi:

Cons of the name Khaleesi:

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to name your child Khaleesi is a personal one. There is no right or wrong answer. Consider all of the factors listed above, and make the decision that you and your partner feel is best for your child.