1. IbrahimIbrahim: "Father of Nations," signifies piety and divine blessings. 2. YahyaYahya: Arabic origin meaning "to live" or "give life," conveying God's blessing and favor. 3. MalikaiMalikai: "king" or "my king" (Semitic) 4. ShemShem (Hebrew): name, reputation; ancestor of Semitic peoples 5. AdonayAdonay: Hebrew name meaning "Lord" or "Master" 6. IssamIssam (Arabic): protection, exalted 7. JibraelJibrael: "Servant of God" or "Helper of God" (Hebrew/Arabic) 8. KayinMeaning: Resourceful, strong, skilled 9. SemSem: Name or reputation, with biblical and cultural significance as the ancestor of Semitic peoples (Hebrews, Arabs, Assyrians). 10. AwadAwad: Arabic name meaning "gift," "reward," "return," "recompense."
| 1. AnahAnah: Hebrew, "answer" or "response" 2. HermelaHermela: Semitic name meaning "destruction of God" or "cursed by God," representing the triumph of good over evil. 3. AshiraAshira, meaning "fortunate" or "wealthy" in Semitic origin. 4. MeliyahMeliyah: Radiating beauty, purity, and grace (Semitic) 5. DalidaBeautiful, mysterious, strong 6. TerrahTerrah: Earthly, grounded 7. NettaFreshness, innocence, promise 8. NoomiPleasing, Delightful, Amiable 9. MaltaRefuge, shelter 10. ShemicaShemica: Warmth, devotion